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Deganwy Prom Day 2024

Our stall at Deganwy Prom day 2024

We attended Deganwy Prom Day with our Bumper Tombola and Hook a Duck Stall, on a Very Sunny Saturday, 1st June. 
A huge thank you to all of the wonderful Volunteers who turned out to help us!
The event was so busy, and we raised a fantastic £446.70 
Thank you to everyone who supported and to Brighter Futures for the hire of their bus which enabled us to get our volunteers and equipment to the event! 


Deganwy Prom Day 24

Christmas 2023 recap.

We are incredibly proud to announce that despite many complications during the Christmas period,  and following the devastating passing of Margaret,  We pulled together with our wonderful supporters and volunteers who helped us to fulfil each and every referral. This meant over 1800 Children and young people in North Wales received Gifts to open on Christmas day.

We will never be able to give enough thanks to the people who are always so willing to get behind us and offer such incredible support to our Cause. 

To all of the generous Businesses who held collections, the people who sent gifts via our wishlist, donated at our drop off points and offered their time to volunteer, We couldn't have done it without you!








We also allocated seats for 6 children on our Santa Flight trip. Sadly one of the Children was poorly on the day, but 5 Very excited Children experienced the Magic of Childflight's Santa flight. We thank Jays 1st Class Travel for the transport and The Mold and Buckley rotary who very kindly agreed to cover the cost of the transport as we had no access to the Charity funds. 

The pantomime trip went ahead as planned, and 100 people came along to Enjoy the Show. The Sleeping Beauty rock and roll Panto is one that I am sure they will never forget! A Huge thank you to Ruthin lights parade who covered the cost of the Pantomime with their generous donation from their Event!

We are so grateful for the help offered to us to get through such a difficult period during the most important time of the year. 
We could simply not carry on supporting the Children and Families in crisis if it wasn't for the support we receive from such incredible people. 


Finley and Bearjamin 2023

Finleys Santa Dash


We are so grateful to Finley and all at Myddelton college for their support! 

Another incredible Santa Dash for the staff and learners at Myddelton College! This has now become an exciting annual event, with 2023 being the Third Santa Dash organised by Finley! We love coming along to see everyone take part, and Bearjamin the Fundraising Bear loves to come along to meet everyone too! 

Thank you Finley, You are an inspiration to us all! 

Finley and Bearjamin 2022

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